

440 Uppsatser om Affinity diagram - Sida 1 av 30

Mellanförskap - svenskhet, ursprung och invandrarskap

The aim for this study was to examine betweenship as a phenomenon by focusing on identity. There is not very much research done on betweenship. I have used a qualitative phenomenological approach, based on four qualitative interviews. The four interviewees were all experiencing betweenship. To analyze their stories I used two theoretical frameworks; identity and affinity groups.

Kommunalt flyktingmottagande. En studie av Landskrona- och Vellinge kommuns flyktingmottagande.

The purpose of this essay was to find an understanding of what factors whichaffect refugee reception in two municipalities in the southern part of Sweden, themunicipality of Vellinge and the municipality of Landskrona. Three interviewswere made with three local politicians and these interviews were then analysedusing postcolonial theory. With the help of Matthew J. Gibney we identified sevenfactors which aided us in the analysis these were: Integration history, Ethnicaffinity, Determining who is a refugee, The wealth of the municipality, Thehousing market, The labour market and The action of other municipalities.We found that these factors were all useful in creating an understanding ofrefugee reception in the two municipalities. However they affected themunicipalities differently.

Kundlojalitet i tjänsteföretag

Since companies have realised the importance of customer loyalty and since the service sector has gained higher significance in recent years, we found it interesting to study what leads to customer loyalty in service companies. The theories we have chosen to consider are customer loyalty, service quality, service guarantees, affinity marketing, loyalty programmes and customer clubs, the customer in focus and other factors that influences customer loyalty. To find out how service companies are working with cus- tomer loyalty, we have conducted a case study within three service companies. Our findings are that customer loyalty has a significant importance for the companies we studied. Quality and personnel were the factors we found had the greatest impact in service companies concerning customer loyalty.

UML i teori och praktik

Abstract During object-oriented system development, programming should be preceded by analysis and design to assure that the system fulfils the demands of the customer and simplify during the development phase and documentation. When modeling the analysis and design phases, several different notations may be used. One of these is the UML (Unified Modeling Language) which this thesis will cover. The aim is to compare the use of the UML i practice versus what is said in the literature. The investigation is built upon interviews at different companies to receive their reflections about the UML.

UML i teori och praktik

Abstract During object-oriented system development, programming should be preceded by analysis and design to assure that the system fulfils the demands of the customer and simplify during the development phase and documentation. When modeling the analysis and design phases, several different notations may be used. One of these is the UML (Unified Modeling Language) which this thesis will cover. The aim is to compare the use of the UML i practice versus what is said in the literature. The investigation is built upon interviews at different companies to receive their reflections about the UML.

Vidareutveckling av grafkomponent

Rapporten täcker vidareutvecklingen av en grafkomponent som från början kunde visa linjediagram med datapunkter bestående av reella tal. Grafkomponenten var en del av programvaran Tunnel Manager som är utvecklad av Sogeti till Atlas Copco. Tunnel Manager används i kombination med Atlas Copcos borrigg Boomer. Grafkomponenten utvidgades med stapeldiagram med flera serier, stapeldiagram med adderade serier och med cirkeldiagram. Den utvidgades även med nya datapunktstyper i form av datum och tid.

Språkbyte mellan R och PHP/JavaScript för generering av statistiska diagram

Är ett byte mellan språken R och PHP genomförbart, är det en bra idé att lägga kraft och tid på vid generering av diagram på en hemsida? När det kommer till att skapa en hemsida hjälper CodeIgniter till med strukturen, men det hjälper enbart om koden i sig sedan är väl strukturerad och välskriven. Att byta från ett litet språk som R till ett stort som PHP har sina fördelar, speciellt med att det är fler som kan PHP och kan gå in och hjälpa till om förändringar behövs. För att detta ska gå att genomföras på ett enkelt sätt krävs dock att den ursprungliga koden är välskriven..

Me-too läkemedel, Indinavir

Syntesdesign AB is an academic company that is supposed to enter the HIV drugmarket by manufacturing a "me-too"-drug with indinavir as the starting substance.Our task is to find 100 potential indinaviranalogues. Our further task is to suggesthow to perform a bondingassay to test the affinity for all these analogues. We willpresent a method, required equipment and calculated costs for the assay..

"Jag har lite mer av allt liksom" : en salutogen studie av unga kvinnors erfarenhet av olika kulturella bakgrunder

Young women with immigrant background are generally looked upon as victims of patriarchal structures and cultural determinism.The purpose of this bachelor thesis was therefore to have a salutogen perspective. We investigated how young women with a transcultural background are affected by and how they use their experiences from different backgrounds in their creating of identity.We based our essay on qualitative interviews and current research on the subjects of multi culture, identity and youth. The interviewees were seven young women with experience of multi cultural background and performing different kind of artistic activity.The theory and empirical material combined and compared resulted in three themes: affinity, cultural hybridization, and salutogen factors.We saw that for those young women affinity functioned as a basis for creating identity and that their double background enriches them in several aspects. The three major salutogen factors that the interviewees had in common, and we emphasize, are their struggle, open mind and awareness of freedom.The global youth culture has a great impact upon the young women and to some extent we could recognize cultural hybridization. We consider this neglected subject urgent and very relevant for social work in the multi cultural society of Sweden..

Visualisering av mätdata: en ArcView applikation

Miljökontoret på Kiruna Kommun använder sig av ett program "Miljöreda 9000", med en tilläggsmodul, MiljöReda Mät. Denna gör det möjligt att registrera mätdata, t.ex. vatten och sedimentprover tagna i olika sjöar för att sedan med dessa som grund skapa en rapport som sedan kan föras över till andra programvaror som Excel och ArcView. Resultatet av examensarbetet blev en applikation där man på ett enkelt sätt kan arbeta med provresultaten i ArcView, skapa diagram och göra statistik och analyser. Det är också möjligt att presentera resultatet med en karta som bakgrund.

Folkbiblioteket och individualiseringen. En diskursanalytisk studie.

The aim of this Master's thesis is to analyze the relation between the discursive formation and the optical formation in the public library-apparatus. An ongoing individualization process in the library field and in society at large is used as a backdrop in the analysis. Discourse analysis is used as a method to explore the main Swedish library periodicals Biblioteksbladet, Bibliotek i Samhälle and DIK-forum. All issues from the years 1999 and 2009 have been used as material. The main analytical instruments applied in the analysis of this material are Michel Foucault's terms dispositive, apparatus and diagram.

Webbaserat Tidrapporteringssystem

Systemet som förenklar hantering och information av tidrapportering, projekt, kunder, lager och anställda. Syftet är att företaget skall få en mera överblick över deras verksamhet, då all information samlas på samma ställe. De anställda kan via webben snabbt och enkelt rapportera in deras arbetstider under den gångna veckan. Systemet innefattar: SMS-tjänst, automatiskt utskick, hanteringen för lager, projekt, kunder och semester, kontinuerlig statistik med grafiska diagram samt utskriftsfunktioner. Allt är utvecklat i PHP och MySQL..

Alva Myrdal och svenskt familjeplaneringsbistånd : Affinitet mellan välfärdsideologi och principerna bakom befolkningskontroll

Around the 1950s an explosive population growth started in the Third World. Parallel with the population growth a global network grew up advocating population control and limited population growth. Sweden had a unique place in that network through a pioneering role promoting the issue in the UN organization. During the 20th century Sweden was a pioneer country in terms of initiatives for population control. Ceylon family planing pilot project was something new in a time when other donors considered family planning be too controversial area for bilateral aid projects.

Tjänstehjon eller andra nyttiga medlemmar i samhället : Fattiga barns utbildning 1800-1824 i Stockholm med fokus på flickor

Around the 1950s an explosive population growth started in the Third World. Parallel with the population growth a global network grew up advocating population control and limited population growth. Sweden had a unique place in that network through a pioneering role promoting the issue in the UN organization. During the 20th century Sweden was a pioneer country in terms of initiatives for population control. Ceylon family planing pilot project was something new in a time when other donors considered family planning be too controversial area for bilateral aid projects.

Att behålla eller frige sin träl : En studie om frigivning av trälar i medeltida diplom mellan åren 1250-1335

Around the 1950s an explosive population growth started in the Third World. Parallel with the population growth a global network grew up advocating population control and limited population growth. Sweden had a unique place in that network through a pioneering role promoting the issue in the UN organization. During the 20th century Sweden was a pioneer country in terms of initiatives for population control. Ceylon family planing pilot project was something new in a time when other donors considered family planning be too controversial area for bilateral aid projects.

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